michaela coel’s i may destroy you: traumatic, powerful, brilliant
in this review of Michaela Coel’s brilliant new series, I May Destroy You, our regular contributor Annie speaks of the show’s power to educate its viewers about consent and sexual assault, and its ability to take the audience down a path of introspection and healing alongside the show’s main characters. well-made, perfectly cast, and funny and light-hearted in parts, Annie argues the show is well worth watching if you can get past its many triggers.

it’s time to get your knickers in a twist
Emily O’Dowd writes about the recent trial in her hometown of Cork, which sparked the #ThisIsNotConsent movement, discussing the problematic ways in which rape victims are treated, even now in 2018.

consent is not just about sex
Heather Whelan’s poem explores the loss of control a person feels after experiencing sexual abuse. She recall how direct contact with another can cause distress in various social settings.

why ‘yes means yes’ encourages the creation of courageous women
Rachel Flynn explores the importance of the ‘Yes means Yes’ movement and how it has reimagined the necessities of consensual sex.