a new editorial and artistic project that wants to re-appropriate the ‘censored female nipples symbol’ by giving it new value.

an introduction from Sudeeksha, BODY TALK zine’s founder
how a young graduate launched a platform in the midst of a global pandemic that brought creatives around the world together to destigmatize mental health and redefine body image.

Your body is a temple
Hannah Petch writes a villanelle-style poem which explores a woman’s complex relationship with her body. the piece is accompanied by the Tabby Carless Frost’s original artwork.

She's Perfect
Hannah Petch writes a poem about the relationship between body image and the beauty standards that society perpetuates. the poem is accompanied by the original artwork of Nia Jones.

How I Found Her Body
Sarah Spencer writes a poem which explores mothers, bodies and grief. the poem is accompanied by her own original artwork.

Manqué in the Mirror
in this poem, Caroline Batson examines the experience of Imposter Syndrome. she considers the disassociation of self by exploring the negative damage of self-doubt, and the positive action of self-belief. Imposter Syndrome can affect anybody but it remains historically prevalent amongst women, with many female role models such as Dr. Maya Angelou and Emma Watson noting that they have fallen victim to it.

why we need to represent obesity in the media
Brands that use larger women in their campaigns are often criticised for "promoting obesity". Emily O’Dowd discusses why this promotion is a good thing.

apparently size does matter; but, does anything else?
The recent Cosmopolitan Magazine cover featuring Tess Holliday has sparked debate on weight-bias and body positivity in the media. Emily O’Dowd suggests the real issues, however, are not being discussed.

pubic hair as a feminist playground
Imogen Bristow discusses the debated place of female pubic hair in feminism and highlights the toxic role of the beauty industry in promoting the altering of the natural female form.