zine vol. 2: floating in the ether

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'floating in the ether' is a zine about identity. in this varied collection you will be taken on a journey through the spaces that are too often denied space in the media. ⁠

while our identities have never been more fluid, this has inevitably brought in new waves of animosity. our mission at mxogyny has always been to make space for marginalised voices, and so by specifically calling for work on identity we hoped to bring forth new people who could benefit from this platform. this zine contains everything from musings on gender identity and body image to grappling with religious upbringings. the notion of ‘floating in the ether,’ taken from our opening piece by Romy Conroy about the fluctuating limbo of transness, touches on exactly what we wanted to explore and reveal in this print issue.

if you choose to buy this zine, thank you. we are grateful that you believe in what mxogyny is trying to achieve.

this edition was printed by Footprint, a small, radical risograph press based in Leeds.

zine vol. 3: in these shoes
zine bundle: vol. 2 & 3
zine bundle: entire archive
zine bundle: vol. 1 & 2
zine vol. 1: growing pains