mxogyny x persistent & nasty: part 2
in the second part of our interview with Persistent & Nasty, Elaine, Louise and Misha talk us through their favourite podcasts of the year and how they strive to be allies in their work.

mxogyny x persistent & nasty
persistence. nastiness. what do these words mean to you? in the first instalment of our interview with Persistent & Nasty we hear all about what made this theatre initiative, podcast crew and advocacy group the powerhouse it has become.

our girls: a short film about women and education
Mxogyny presents a short film by Olivia Nielsen which aims to start a conversation about women and education. In watching it, we try to try and imagine what our lives would look like without education, as that is the reality for so many girls around the world.

a letter to fellow white women, we need to let go of frida kahlo
Cassandra Wright discusses the whitewashing of Frida Kahlo in mainstream culture, and the onus on self-professed feminists to understand her cultural significance as a voice for indigenous women and the LGBTQ+ community.

featured artist: mxogyny x ludmila leiva
Mxogyny interviews illustrator Ludmila Leiva to talk artistry, feminism and the depiction of femme physiques in her work.

what does it mean to be a dangerous woman?
Abrisham Ahmadzadeh presents us with some inside info on The University of Edinburgh’s new publication, Dangerous Women. A regular Mxogyny writer and fourth-year undergraduate student, Abrisham worked at The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities this summer, copy editing the manuscript and preparing the launch for the book which asks, “what does it mean to be a dangerous woman?”

feminism at the fringe: why the words of women win
Nadia Freeman reflects on the feminist arts scene in Edinburgh and what makes arts nights for female-identifying artists so important.

now for the north
Emily O’Dowd discusses the issues of marriage equality and abortion rights in Northern Ireland. She focuses specifically on how the historic Westminster vote of the 18th July 2019 represents a seminal change for livelihoods of women and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

mxogyny x screen queens
This week, editor-in-chief of Mxogyny, Maisie Palmer interviews Chloë Leeson, the founder of Screen Queens - a blog with a strong focus on the exposure of women-centric and women-made films.

us abortion laws: patterns of oppression
Ellie Kilbride provides us with an exploration of the potential impact of the state criminalisation of abortion for ethnic minorities and the LGBTQ+ community.

from alabama to antrim: the ongoing fight for abortion rights
as abortion laws are being restricted across the US, Emily O’Dowd reminds us that we must not forget about similar cases that exist closer to home. This article is accompanied by the original artwork of Imogen Bristow.

home for christmas
As part of the SHE____. exhibition - an Edinburgh-based art showcase that celebrates every-day women - we provide a one-off feature of Tom Forster’s photography. The piece emphasises the strength of female workers in the NHS.

femininity is full of rules
Vlada Nebo’s work is a documentary mini-series that will be featured in Edinburgh’s SHE___. Exhibition. Here, she presents three edges of femininity through photography.

the vagina monologues: a director’s narrative
Abrisham Ahmadzadeh writes from the perspective of directing the famous feminist play, The Vagina Monologues, and discusses why theatre should be respected as an outlet for vulnerable female creativity.

women, collective action and climate change: in search of our unsung heroines
Nina Pušić’s article explores the importance of women in the climate movement, and the power of female-led collective action to move towards a low-carbon society. The piece is accompanied by the original artwork of Mary Beaty.

the plight of feminism: keeping the momentum in 2019
Katy Jones explores the significant successes of feminism during 2018 and the need for its tenacious continuation by all in support of gender equality.

why #metoo still has a long way to go
Ellie Kilbride’s reflects on the successes and limitations of the #MeToo movement amongst the Harvey Weinstein’s trial.
feminism as lifestyle: conscious conversations
Fionnuala O’Toole discusses how feminism plays into her everyday interactions, highlighting that context is key to understanding how gender-based movements are perceived in the wider world.

is ‘international men’s day’ worth celebrating?
Natasha Gkogkou writes this article for all the men in her life who she sometimes forgets to ask 'how are you feeling?” She thinks International Men's Day is an important day to highlight issues men face under societal pressure.

it’s time to get your knickers in a twist
Emily O’Dowd writes about the recent trial in her hometown of Cork, which sparked the #ThisIsNotConsent movement, discussing the problematic ways in which rape victims are treated, even now in 2018.