creating a community space of solidarity and empowerment for East and Southeast Asians: an interview with racismunmasked
RacismUnmasked is a platform for raising awareness about racism against East And Southeast Asians (ESEA) in Edinburgh, offering a valuable space for the community to share their experiences, and find comfort, solidarity and empowerment in doing so. deputy editor-in-chief Michelle Moira Mei Ling Firth talks to members Feiya and Can about their work in the movement - about the importance of creating a community space for ESEA people in the UK; finding catharsis in shared experience and solidarity; as well as the challenges associated with activism.

review of resistance and hope, edited by alice wong
reviewing Resistance and Hope, an essay collection about disability justice in the wake of Trump’s election to the US presidency, Mia Nicole Davies examines how resistance and hope have helped the disabled community fight, survive, and thrive over the past four years, and how vital it is that they continue to do so.

disability and visibility: a discussion about underlying health conditions
disability is a term that is all too often associated with visible conditions. After all, the universal symbol of disability on a parking sign is a wheelchair. Drawing from her personal experience of living with an invisible disability, Isobel Warner discusses the unconscious biases that contribute to the prevalence of ableism in our society. the piece is accompanied by an illustration from Mildred Cheng