hope ebbs and flows through american elections
Marina Martinez explores her lived experience of U.S. presidential elections. she reflects on what pivotal political moments she has gone through, and what is next for her country. the article is accompanied by artwork from Julia Winokur.

i’m a bernie sis, hello
Cassandra Wright writes of the quiet resurrection of the “Bernie Bro” myth, which seeks to erase Sanders supporters who are women and people of colour.

from alabama to antrim: the ongoing fight for abortion rights
as abortion laws are being restricted across the US, Emily O’Dowd reminds us that we must not forget about similar cases that exist closer to home. This article is accompanied by the original artwork of Imogen Bristow.

white male fragility and the coddling of mark meadows
Cassandra Wright highlights the exchange between Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Mark Meadows, the former’s accusation of the latter bringing in “a black woman as a prop,” and the expectation placed on women and people of colour to anticipate and reckon with white male rage.

who we are and who we are not: processing the us mid-term elections
Ciara Hayden contributes a personal discussion centred around both family life and her own independence, interweaving her experience of American politics following the 2018 mid-term elections.

kavanaugh and our fight back
This week, Emily O'Dowd explores the differences between past assault cases and the current Kavanaugh hearing within the context of the #MeToo movement.

theresa and trump: a body language analysis
Imogen Bristow explores the significance of body language in light of some questionable exchanges between Theresa May and Donald Trump following his recent UK visit.