acceptable face: filmmaking for the LGBTQ+ community
Holly Summerson discusses her short film Acceptable Faces and its role in capturing LGBTQ+ narratives.

the state-private school divide: reflections on elitism at university
Imogen Bristow writes about her personal experience as a university student who was educated at a state school, and the ‘imposter-syndrome’ she feels amongst her privately-educated peers. The piece is accompanied by Imogen’s own illustration.

the vagina monologues: a director’s narrative
Abrisham Ahmadzadeh writes from the perspective of directing the famous feminist play, The Vagina Monologues, and discusses why theatre should be respected as an outlet for vulnerable female creativity.

how to make a bisexual woman’s blood boil
Emily Taithe draws on personal experience to express her frustrations towards the narrow-minded views people have when it comes to bisexuality.

english literature: the asymmetry between male writers and female students
Olivia Hingley observes the continued prominence of male narratives in the modern novel. She argues for a diversification of the English Literature syllabus that allows both female writers and characters to gain an equal amount of limelight.