to see or not to see: death, race and the hunger games
“The odds are seldom in their favour”; Alex Barnes reflects on the cinematic treatment of black people in The Hunger Games series and how this resonates in era of Black Lives Matter.

race and mental health: the psychological damage on people of colour when dealing with racial issues
Saam Hossaini talks the effects of racial discrimination on the mind of the individual and the tendency of mainstream media to oversimplify complex discussions.

the racial fetishisation of women: notes from a “spicy” latina
Arantza Asali discusses racial fetishes: the differences that they have to other sexual fetishes, how its not about having ‘a type’, and the reasons why the women in your life most certainly are not flattered by it.

challenging the idea that 2018 is ‘too politically correct’
Heather Whelan examines the recent debate on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter about 2018 being 'too politically correct', paying particular attention to the recent controversies surrounding Apu's characterisation in The Simpsons.