the curse of respectability politics in reality tv
respectability politics works to force women into socially acceptable boxes, Ronita Awoonor-Gordon explores the role of respectability politics for black women in reality TV.

no comment, no consent: media violence in I Hate Suzie
Rachel Baker reviews Lucy Prebble and Billie Piper’s new show, I Hate Suzie; a candid and forthright lens into the suffocating and detrimental effects of the media on women in the 21st century.

challenging the idea that 2018 is ‘too politically correct’
Heather Whelan examines the recent debate on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter about 2018 being 'too politically correct', paying particular attention to the recent controversies surrounding Apu's characterisation in The Simpsons.

why we need to represent obesity in the media
Brands that use larger women in their campaigns are often criticised for "promoting obesity". Emily O’Dowd discusses why this promotion is a good thing.

apparently size does matter; but, does anything else?
The recent Cosmopolitan Magazine cover featuring Tess Holliday has sparked debate on weight-bias and body positivity in the media. Emily O’Dowd suggests the real issues, however, are not being discussed.