the changing nature of the discourse on trans rights in ireland
Emily O’Dowd discusses how recent changes in the debate around gender issues in Ireland have highlighted the need for a more inclusive social dialogue.

gender in ireland: abortion post-referendum
on the 25th of May 2018, the eighth amendment of the Irish constitution was repealed, allowing for termination of pregnancies to be legislated for in the Republic of Ireland. This was a huge victory for supporters of reproductive rights, however the fight for bodily autonomy did not end after the vote. In this article, Emily O’Dowd discusses where Ireland stands on abortion now.

turf > terfs: ireland’s movement towards feminism for all
Emily O’Dowd observes the problematic role of Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) - honing in specifically on Ireland’s legal and social conditions with regards to gender rights .
of ireland: what’s next for ireland?
It’s been over a month since the Eighth Amendment was repealed by a landslide vote. With that victory came hope for a new Ireland, one which recognises women as equal citizens. Emily O’Dowd talks the future of the women’s rights campaign in Ireland, and where attention will turn next.
of ireland: feeling repealing
In the second of her series on Repealing the Eighth Amendment, Emily O’Dowd recounts her own experiences while canvassing for a ‘Yes’ vote.

a personal response to ireland’s decision to #repealtheeighth
Our anonymous author discusses her own experiences with the NHS’s discrete and caring abortion system, and how she is not ashamed to celebrate the right she exercised to take control of her future.
of ireland: why it was vital to repeal the eighth amendment
Emily O’Dowd talks about her experiences of being a woman in Ireland before, during, and after the campaign to repeal the eighth.

countess markievicz and female legacy
Fionnuala O’Toole explores how we think about female leaders in politics, using the life of Countess Markievicz to illustrate her own personal view.