a new editorial and artistic project that wants to re-appropriate the ‘censored female nipples symbol’ by giving it new value.

an introduction from Sudeeksha, BODY TALK zine’s founder
how a young graduate launched a platform in the midst of a global pandemic that brought creatives around the world together to destigmatize mental health and redefine body image.

One Dose of Self-Confidence, Please
Hollie Martin writes about her experience on Roaccutane, and how it’s okay to need help to feel comfortable in your own skin. The piece is accompanied by the original artwork of Imogen Bristow.

How to Stay Body Positive this Summer
in response to the common assertion of the media that people with larger bodies should lose weight for summer, Heather Whelan draws on her own experiences to give some advice on how to enjoy summer when your body does not fit societal ideals. The piece is accompanied by the original artwork of Tabby Carless Frost.

thinspo with abs? the health conundrum at the heart of the fitness community
Rosie Martland discusses the problem with modern fitness ideals, and the profound impact it has on the female community.

why it shouldn’t matter what #iweigh: our fight against social media
Instagram has always been notorious for airbrushing, filters, and making people feel miserable about themselves. Emily O’Dowd questions whether this is changing, with the growing influence of body positivity accounts, influencers, and hashtags.

my pubes, feminism, and societal pressures
Bindu Devereux reflects on her person relationship with beauty ideals and pubic hair as an example of modern societal pressures.