Envirowoman: SuPerPowerPoem
“SuperPowerPoem" is an anthem about finding your inner superpowers fueled by what you are passionate about... even if it doesn't come from the conventional spider bite!"

review of resistance and hope, edited by alice wong
reviewing Resistance and Hope, an essay collection about disability justice in the wake of Trump’s election to the US presidency, Mia Nicole Davies examines how resistance and hope have helped the disabled community fight, survive, and thrive over the past four years, and how vital it is that they continue to do so.

an interview with Trans Pride Scotland
editor-in-Chief Rachel Baker chats to Lena Avery about Trans Pride Scotland’s upcoming event, which has moved online to continue their work even in current circumstances. as an organisation aimed at providing a safe, celebratory, and intentional space for Trans folk, they chat everything from the organisation’s fruition to Lena’s favourite Trans performers.

reflections on plastic-free july
In today’s piece, Veronica Vivi looks back at a month of saying no to disposable plastic and discusses what she learnt from the experience. The article is accompanied by the original artwork of Melanie Grandidge.

why #metoo still has a long way to go
Ellie Kilbride’s reflects on the successes and limitations of the #MeToo movement amongst the Harvey Weinstein’s trial.