Letter to the child that I'm planning not to conceive
Nadia Freeman's poem raises her personal feelings on whether to choose motherhood and highlights the concerns that all women face before deciding to have children. Nadia is pictured above performing spoken word. She will be attending Mxogyny’s poetry slam on the 29th March 2019 to present some of her original work to Edinburgh’s local community.

from alabama to antrim: the ongoing fight for abortion rights
as abortion laws are being restricted across the US, Emily O’Dowd reminds us that we must not forget about similar cases that exist closer to home. This article is accompanied by the original artwork of Imogen Bristow.

gender in ireland: abortion post-referendum
on the 25th of May 2018, the eighth amendment of the Irish constitution was repealed, allowing for termination of pregnancies to be legislated for in the Republic of Ireland. This was a huge victory for supporters of reproductive rights, however the fight for bodily autonomy did not end after the vote. In this article, Emily O’Dowd discusses where Ireland stands on abortion now.

argentine women have lost the battle but not the war
Emily O’Dowd reports on the recent political events in Argentina that shot down hopes of legalising abortion within the Latin American state.
of ireland: what’s next for ireland?
It’s been over a month since the Eighth Amendment was repealed by a landslide vote. With that victory came hope for a new Ireland, one which recognises women as equal citizens. Emily O’Dowd talks the future of the women’s rights campaign in Ireland, and where attention will turn next.
of ireland: feeling repealing
In the second of her series on Repealing the Eighth Amendment, Emily O’Dowd recounts her own experiences while canvassing for a ‘Yes’ vote.

a personal response to ireland’s decision to #repealtheeighth
Our anonymous author discusses her own experiences with the NHS’s discrete and caring abortion system, and how she is not ashamed to celebrate the right she exercised to take control of her future.
of ireland: why it was vital to repeal the eighth amendment
Emily O’Dowd talks about her experiences of being a woman in Ireland before, during, and after the campaign to repeal the eighth.